Saturday, September 4, 2010

All About Burning Man Festival

I heard many people call this mysterious Festival "Burning Man", but many know nothing about what it is. Here are the basics of Burning Man:

What is Burning Man?

Burning Man is a festival that in a period of eight days before the U.S. Labor Day holiday.

Where will?

In the early years of the festival, with much fewer visitorsEvent, and is a more informal meeting, it was on a beach in San Francisco instead. Is now in the Nevada desert, in particular an area called Black Rock City, which is actually a temporary city that only during the active and around the Burning Man Festival. Black Rock City is about 90 miles northeast of Reno , Nevada.

What is the purpose of Burning Man?

What exactly is the festival is difficult to explain. In essence, thousands of people gather in the desert every year to get experience. Living together, camping together, create your own world for the past eight days. Art, community, personal fulfillment, independence, are all elements that have shown Festival.

Why is it called "Burning Man?

Each year at the end of the festival, a portrait of a man, usually made of wood burned into the image of the great manBurning> is the source of the name.

Who started it?

Burning Man was a friend started by two friends named Larry Harvey and Jerry James, along with others. They gathered on a beach called San Francisco's Baker Beach, and effigies burned a wooden man. The early harvest of friends first found in 1986, but was inspired by a front of their party instead of a sculptor who has burned symbolic sculpture of a man at last.

What are someIncluded in the festival?

In addition to the definitive portrait of Burning Man at the end of every party, there are many other events and activities happening at the Festival. Every year events, the festival has a theme and art installations dedicated to artistic expression in the form. Abandoning the typical style of art Art Gallery of artistic presentation, style festival presents performance art, art movesand temporary art forms.

Who are you?

In principle, any person to burn, is open to all.

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