Saturday, September 4, 2010

A vegetarian lifestyle completed a spiritual

The principles of spirituality have remained the same over the centuries. Modern science is only now with the conclusions that the saints and mystics have always been recognized. In the field of nutrition is also modern research confirms the superiority of the diet, followed by leading a spiritual life - a vegetarian diet. In every aspect - spiritual, moral and physical - the vegetarian diet is more suitable for humans. And for those who follow the wishesWay to self-realization and God, a strict vegetarian diet is essential.

If you examine the various religious and mystical traditions, we find that they recommend or require vegetarianism. This diet is associated with the first religious traditions. Thus, the strict vegetarian Pythagoras and his followers. The Greek sages taught: "My friends, do not contaminate your body by eating unclean food. We have enough corn and trees that are laden with fruit. WeVegetables and roots, which can be prepared easily. And there is no shortage of milk and honey. Our Earth has plenty of these foods pure and innocent and there is no need to ask for us to shed blood to be partakers of innocent lives and sacrificed. "

Many famous early philosophers like Plato, Plotinus, Empedocles, Apollonius, Plutarch, Porphyry and also followed the vegetarian diet. Many of the mystery religions soon as the Essenes and the Orphichad vegetarianism as a prerequisite for the introduction. If we carefully study the Bible, we find that God created man in a vegetarian. In Genesis, God says: "I have given you bear all plant seed that is upon the face of the whole earth and every tree where the fruit of a tree yielding seed, but for you to flesh" (Genesis 1:29 ). Even when God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, vegetarianism was necessarily implied. If we follow the commandment "Thou shalt have youto kill "(Exodus 20:13), this is not to eat meat, fish, poultry or eggs. How can we be lovers of God, lovers of its creation, if we kill the more moderate members of God's family?

Jesus Christ was the apostle of peace, was the epitome of non-violence. He taught: "If you propose to your right cheek, turn to him the other also" (Matthew 5:39). If he was violent so far, could be violently God on the lower rungs of creation? Christtaught universal love and total renunciation of violence. He asked us to indulge in any killing, and commanded that we love for all.

The great Sufi saints of the past were vegetarians. This explains Mirdad "Those who follow the spiritual path must never forget that when we participate in meat, must pay with your flesh." Buddha, the Compassionate, taught non-violence towards all living beings, and his followers were originally vegetarian. Mahavira, the founder of JainThe religion preaches a strict vegetarian diet. And, of course, vegetarianism is a part and parcel of the Hindu religious tradition. The Sikh Gurdwaras (temples), no meat is served in the kitchen, and when the Sikhs to observe a religious ceremony at home, vegetarian dishes are served after the recitation of scriptures. One historian has clearly in his book Mughal-e-Dabistan Mazahib (School of Religions) recorded that Guru Arjan Dev a special announcement: "Eating meatforbidden among those who follow the Guru Nanak. "

Instructions for the disciples of the sixth Sikh Guru Har Gobind was very explicit: "Do not go near fish and meat." (These instructions, issued a circular as "Hukamnama" are preserved in the Patna Saheb Gurdwara.)

If you make a comparative study of religious traditions, you will notice that after a saint or a master of his service, the esoteric aspect of his teaching has been completed and will soon be forgotten and replaced by ritesRituals. For the teachings more acceptable, a large number of people, changes in diet and reproduction of those who come after him. But the mystical tradition of vegetarianism is clear.

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