Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Reclaiming Your Divinity - point of view of the various initiatives

Everyone is beautiful in its own way of happiness, joy, contentment and freedom. Whether you hope to achieve with their wealth and power, or pleasure and drugs or through spiritual practices or to find God - or unconsciously aware of every man is a seeker.

The following nine steps are easy to use and easy to practice and can be demonstrated by the experience.

A man - a tree, a tree - a man on a mysteriousPath of prosperity. identify the most important factor for us is that we came to the world only as possible. It's up to us whether this deployment potential and flowers or not. Only through development, through the holding of this potential, we see the true God, true love, true joy and deep satisfaction.

Now we are in this country in the world where there are a lot of effort to find happiness, fulfillment, to find peace and to eliminateViolence, to eradicate poverty, and all types of conflicts easier.

But if these efforts continue, regardless of this vision, without thinking that we have a deeper reality - if one calls a "foundation majors ',' divine reality" or "cosmic nature" - the words may be different - this ` t efforts can be fruitful. Man can be likened to a tree. In our life we are confronted with the visible reality and its challenges - this is compared tovisible part of the tree with its trunk, branches and leaves. Our invisible reality, is like the clusters of invisible roots of the tree with its mysterious twists disseminated. Everyone has this idea that there is an apparent reality, as we witness the challenges that arise - but recognize that the actual settlement of the problems can only be done if we, the greater reality of ourselves and let this understanding start guide our actions. So wethe multidimensionalty in which we live, to understand.

One-dimensionality of the multi-dimensionality, from caterpillar to butterfly

Often we are caught in one-dimensional. Consider an example of a child. Each child learns something called "good" or "bad", "right" or "wrong" labels fixed. The mother may tell the child, not to go near the fire, how dangerous it is, or may tell the child, not to go near these facilities is"Toxic. Such information is relevant and useful for orientation in life, at first. But as the child grows, and their understanding is deeper than the fire and the plant are not only willing and be as dangerous and toxic or good and bad, but discovered the child, what about the fire and what is not possible. It is seen that the fire for cooking is useful for heating and is very useful, or plant medicines and can also save the Our lives.This way the childfamiliarity with the nature of fire and so on.

Without recognition of the multidimensionality of development stagnant internal child. The application of this understanding is inevitable if we want to bring the real potential for us in bloom - whether our relationships on thoughts and feelings, and intellectual capacity and creative expressions or nearby. Therefore, learning for the whole of nature and to see what is, without being caughtOur one-dimensional labels is a step toward wisdom, a step toward awareness, and a step towards freedom. A real growth and maturity always means a change from one dimensionality of the multi-dimensionality.

The size of our consciousness is like the metamorphosis of the caterpillar is colorless, which is great expenditure on a horizontal scanning in a colorful butterfly, fly freely and easily in all directions. In the case of human beings,This transformation is not automatic - you must take the initiative, it must carry the memory.

The urgency to the initiative and the "Nine Steps'

The one-dimensionality has some comfort in that regard because there is only one thing to call a fixed label. In some areas of our lives, it is helpful and useful, but it is misleading and destructive, if they apply equally in the internal dimensions of our reality. Aone-dimensional approach gives the feeling that "I have a grip", that "everything under control. One has the feeling that "I know". Maybe it feels good, feels powerful, but it is not true, not true. It is based, as in the case of a small child, one imagines toypistol or sword, to be very powerful and strong. It is the level of the child order.

But if your child has become mature, the child must go through this kind of force and understand what lifereally is.

It 'very important that mature and more responsible for the inner life has become. Now we have this state, where humanity has been generally mature from childhood to become the state will move. Only through this step, we can respond creatively and go with reasonable sensitivity, responding to the challenges and issues that we face at every level in the world today. The one-dimensional aspect, and logic-based mentalscientific approach can not address effectively the challenges ahead.

But if we keep this concept, it inevitably leads to self-destruction continues. So we have to destroy itself, destroying the planet and destroy the life process. But the real solution to our problems and challenges occur only through the recognition that to discover a new dimension of reality. This is the time to take the initiative, both individually and together, for this and takeWhat steps are needed. And this makes people and all humanity to live in harmony mature and capable, smart and affectionate with each other.

We need not remain trapped in conflicts inhuman and unwise, we do not need the ends of the destruction and blindness to be taken. We humans can live together, graceful and happy, if we begin to discover our true potential, our essence, our divinity, our divine nature.

Live ourHumanity and divinity - the real challenge!

Everyone needs to reclaim their humanity reclaim their divinity, and that the vision is to be there, is that the prospect of being there, only to be who we really are, what they really are, in recognition of our reality, We are very satisfied. There is no other connection. The increasingly powerful, increasingly difficult, with subtlety, becoming more aware, we are not on the performance and freedom to find peaceand joy, beauty and grace - that is, consciously or unconsciously, everyone is looking.

I want to make it visible on this sample of ice at sea. In the vast ocean, there are many, many icepieces. Just like when you go to polar region there still find a huge pile of ice blocks. There are smaller pieces and larger pieces. If we see only the form of ice, and can be identified by their appearance, we feel separated fromeverything. But when he realizes that the ice is the same ocean that both have the same water, and is an inseparable connection - like it or not, is an organic unity and that there is an interconnection and interdependence.

intellectual knowledge is like a beautifully illustrated Gourmet Cookbook

If this unit is clearly crucial, not only intellectually, but through personal observation, our experience is veryinvaluable. Intellectually, you can collect much information, but in time of need, yet as a number of inner layers, which are unconscious.

It 'obvious that to satisfy our hunger is not enough just to read a cookbook. The implementation of nutrition is only possible to cook and eat. Then an information is not intellectual enough. You have the attention and awareness of the real process of bringing life must be lived up to the dayDaily life. You can live for our divinity in the newspaper - that lives only through the encounter with oneself, meet those basic internal processes - and this is the real challenge.

Although all were aware that we are all connected to each other that we are all from the same source, and many religions have said, many philosophers have to say, there are many visionaries bring in expressions, but the fact is that we are taken into unconscious Beliefs about ourselves that we are divided. AsUntil we unconsciously caught in these beliefs, without them deeply, we can not live the true nature of us.

To realize this potential, needs to ask a question, and given our very standards by which we are in life, you have the courage and the question of what we eat every day good or bad right or wrong in any sector. E 'can preserve the past, still blind, intelligent and happy life is necessary in every fresh lookMoment?

It is important to recognize that this understanding comes at a time, because every time there is something new in life! Every moment we are in a different situation, and we can only answer intelligent and loving, if we want to be here, right now, without mechanical responses of the spirit of learning is the provision of prisoner. " We must be vigilant and watch the automatic involvement in mind and see that we are not prejudice and beganDivisions, which is programmed with it.

This requires some basic steps that I call "take nine steps. Quality of life can help a sensitivity and intelligence, in which a loving and harmonious way of life can create flowers, where the mind can go deeper! In this way, the connection to themselves and the environment are mutually longer be the kind of friendship and sensibility, rather than fear and conflict.

And the first step isWe acknowledge that we have both types of energy in us: the active and passive, these two aspects together that we exist and operate in a free way to create momentum. It must be recognized that this life is a valid and necessary factor, as we do on the day in which we operate, and at night, where we will sleep. And 'lived in a certain level. Biologically, we are almost forced by the nature of sleep.

If someone does not sleep for several daysthen the whole system is disturbed and they find very difficult to function because the dynamics is completely destroyed. This feels very balanced. Sleep is a polarity, the waking state is different. This polarity is a work in all areas of life. Accept the polarity means accepting differences. What's different from us, not hostile, but the difference has a complementary role.

We must learn to work intelligently with complementary factors. Then, inany area where the polarity is - and polarity is to live in each process. In the electricity sector, is seen as positive and negative, and in the process of energy, see it as the active and passive state. Each area of life is this polarity, and we face it at any time in a different way. If we do nothing polarity as something foreign or against something, but we realize that what is apparently the opposite of a differentWaiting for us. Do not blindly with a pole or another, with a roller or other identification - is a good foundation.

This allows people beeing the dynamics of living ideally, if you do not fight with ourselves if we are not in combat with the various aspects to us, if not blindly fight a train or another train in us a feeling or a different feeling, but recognize that we protect our intellectual side and our side and we have the emotional feeling of love, relaxation andJoy, as well as moments of intensity, dynamics, activity, and all have their place!

Any factor that is alive, whether it is the anger and pain, if it is a feeling of love or sex, if it is a feeling of jealousy or hatred - everything must be tested. Why are we looking for is that we see something from another dimension behind it and if not you try everything to defend blindly, we begin to seeanother dimension of reality. For behind the positive and negative, is the same energy, love and hate behind is the same energy, pleasure and pain behind the same process. What if they hold, one side or the other but both are capable of opening gives a different analysis of reality. And if there is information we receive from someone else, but then through his own observation, it is an experimental realizationWe see the reality and experience it. Then they sell that is not you believe that someone is not that you disagree with someone who has nothing to do with a little 'theory, but experience what it really is. And this is the solid foundation that is the real original, which may result from the way the whole creative process.

So the first test is to be noted that it takes to respond to these realities to which his nature, and bears themultidimensional away. And 'possible to recognize when we do certain measures and steps that I'm ten. basic steps, racial or experiments can be ten this by anyone, whatever their origin, whatever their nationality or religious affiliation, regardless of its nature, man or woman, or is this race that, despite the obvious differences anyone can start with her. And this, the basic sensitivity andshow a perspective that you can be prosperous. And these steps the commitment of a creative life and love for the first thing to consider is that what is really creative decides to really love what is appropriate to consider truly intelligent and direct.

There is no one else to prove, but it's easy to think of every step that I expect in a creative way, I'm in an intelligent way I affectionately. It is a life commitment, aCommitment to a creative process that is very important, and comes with the requirement that the energy is then manifested in a positive direction, always there when we are this energy, so instead caught in a negative state, it is possible that Energy is moving in a positive healthy. So this is the first commitment and this is the first step, internally decide for life, for the life of creativity, friendship, beauty,The intelligence, for that purpose, to steer towards them.

Then there are steps that you can also, in every other area of life, to bring every area of our operation. The second step is to create spaces where you switch from one polarity to another polarity to create awareness. That means consciously, at some point in life only to be all of those realities. If this is a role or another role, with the detection orother labeling that we have in mind, we are your thoughts. But if we do all the parts that are not in possession of an identification, we can be aware of everything by taking a half hour to an hour per day, the space where one is not anyone in particular. During this time the world put aside, put aside any reason.

Just be like a new born baby, be like a flower, like water flowing, like a bird sings, no effort, only withTotality of reality, no one in these parts. It may be difficult for many people just come straight to this aspect, Because many of us are accustomed to, is in one dimension or another dimension, some activities are captured in some beings are imprisoned in passivity and then there is no intensity Either this and there is no distance and freedom because of this tangle. Then you state that, where you go. An active person can goin some activities which can be total. One does not work, any activity ", but a fun activity and active people who may be active only jogging or dancing, or just say the body movements and expressions in words and simply allow the body and mind will feel yet the expression for a few moments, then for some time.

As for the active person, it will be easier to go into this activity and reflects the intensity ofactivity and then relax with a condition of any role in not captured. And a person who feels attracted to a passive state, without adherence to a passive role if they are very attentive and alert Their liabilities, and thus bring a lot of fire awareness that they are simply the moment they can sit back and continue to the observation of their natural breathing. Just look at what their core, as in nature, breathe and breathe the body of the body.Groped without something in this for the first half hour or an hour, and then wants to take the second time to do everything, everywhere, every drop, and identification with the moment of silence to observe the change. The silence has a magical quality. Silence is something that is very valuable because it is through the assets or liabilities to come to room silent, because silence, silence, what happens is in a state of wholeness, a state where henot captured in the spirit and this is literally a whole wholyness. And this is where they heal, because when one is in a state of readiness, in a state of receptivity in the state of wholeness, can bring the harmony of nature.

And the key behind this is when a person in totality, is in a state of receptivity af nature involves a process of harmony, is the nature leads to a harmonization and rejuvenation that isand the achievement of the dynamic process of life and the service is available for individuals and for the whole process of life on this planet.

It will be well before going one step to create, in her living room, a small room, a small corner where the light of a lamp as a lamp, a lamp, not a light bulb, by area of living flame, a reference to the multi-dimensionality and is a symbol of something beyond the visible. It represents life andIt is about the highest potential of reality greater than oneself. So this is good that the first mention in this exercise, I go to a lamp light and create an atmosphere like this, which is a factor and then called in question. This will be very helpful and supportive.

And the third thing, which is also connected with the deepening of the sensitivity of bringing some memories that can be carried out during the day. This is the third step,before that eating and drinking for a while just breathing, what happens is, of course, be aware of the three cycles of breathing. It 'a simple step but it will help in many ways. What to eat before drinking mineral water, located just a gap, to be attentive of three cycles of the breath and relax for a moment in that space where you are in a role where you are man or woman, ore good bad, right or wrong, but only without effort, to anyone.This factor will be very favorable for the living and the realization of this perspective that the true potential of our human and divine reality.

And the fourth step is to ensure that in our life where we do what we know for sure that you connect to those who experience the reality inside. Top will be a little 'difficult because there are much more used to focus only on the excitement. If we find something beautifulOvercoming the train of what appears to be Beautiful ore using the most pleasant, but we do what we connect to inner beauty. So it is well to combine these two aspects, the train to the outside is done automatically, but we must also remember the one who combines the experience of beauty. And is present in each area is possible if a person eats a meal, the taste is to experience, you can listen to music, someoneConnect the one who listens to the public inside. So in every area of life you can combine the experimenter behind the experience. This is the fourth memory support.

And the fifth is to make sure you allow those in the life a sense of playfulness and humor. Who takes the initiative to bring enthusiasm and a bit 'more to your mood everyday life. To make room for this to include it as part of life, to recognize as part of life.That there is more playful and fun. Because if not consciously make it very often happens that there is so much seriousness and this eats all the power and pitfalls in a one-dimensional.

And the sixth step is to ensure that in our lives, there is room to be with nature, that you take the initiative to establish a connection and listen to what the rivers are whispering, what are the mountains of sharing, that song I flowers are singing, music, whatbirds and other animals do. For nature so that there are available, one for it to open. Then you take the initiative to link nature and will be a big factor enrichment and support. You might notice that people who live in more mountainous areas, more contact with nature, have a different quality in their lives Than people living in cities and modern housing. We deliberatelyachieve, and we consciously on these factors in nature, combining an asset and a value of support for the individual and the process of life as a whole.

And on the seventh point, the seventh step is to see that the conflicts that arise in life, first met in yourself and you know, the process of life, it is natural that there are differences and it is natural that there conflicts with There is something about the life, when conflictsfollows that it is not necessary that each of us has an idea or a person, the voice of the variety and diversity is part of a game and an enriching factor for the quality of life. to observe the Sun, conflicts look like something a creative value and when the conflict and allow themselves to challenge for the discovery of new ways to resolve the conflict, believing that there is a deep awareness that there will be, the discovery comes from something deeper and hiddenyourself that you will get a Chanel, intelligence and creativity and imagination. To recognize that the differences are not something negative, something destructive, but depending on how we can be very valuable to sustain life.

And the eighth factor in every sphere of life, participate actively in the life of the time, is in the process of ecological environmental protection measures that can be taken, or put him in time releave other people, timeIt is a neighborhood or a problem in a different part of the world.

What can you contribute in terms of material and physical, to help and remember that there is only one small aspect, it is, but has a value. rooted to take active steps Then, still in the inner integrity, nor rooted in the previous step. Because only if the previous steps then these steps will be experiencally lived reality.

And the ninth step is to remember that you can nottake nothing for granted, that everything we have what we are, is not taken for granted.

The more you look, the more you see that as a gift. Today is tomorrow can not be there. We must look at the precious things that whatever we take the time in relation to a healthy body, the time in the form of wealth, the time in terms of capacity for anything for granted. All that are in themselves valuable to see what is important and this recognition iscare precious, but always remember, never take it for granted.

And remember the tenth point that death is as much a part of the live-birth. And this is the one thing we can say that everyone who is born would die. And if this is the case, to go on with life this memory, that what life is something very precious, very important and must not go lightly life, which is made available to us, offers.We must ensure that we understand and discover the importance of living this life and this precious life as beautiful as affectionate as carefully joyeously as intelligent as possible.

Remember these ten points and to take measures in it a very important contribution to enrich the person and the process of life around the world are involved. And this initiative is all in the situation, life can be seen, be taken as what itappears. you must check, need to see that you forget very quickly. We fall into our habits, we fall into our roles we fall into the misconceptions about the real values, we can enter into some excitement, some may be missing so blind and missed the real beauty, true love, which continues to grow deeper into our lives and can become a flower in progress. We are born with a huge capacity and each person as an in-depth condense life before soEnergy, capacity time, with so much wealth. So they put in a negative way, is like an atomic bomb. Just like in a small bowl, can be so much power.

But going into a nuclear bomb in a destructive way, but man, living consciously, living with just feeling like an explosion of love and power, that what leads to the process of life is so powerful and so valuable that even a small part of mankind to live on this,will change this as much as inspiration and support for all those around them to give. This will be a chain.

Whatever the background, regardless of nationality, independent of religious education, if they are a theist or atheist, whether rich or poor, these are key factors, which may apply in life and live in their application and see who is wearing a very important and very valuable, very enrichingTransformation in the life of them.

The real good of the individual is the true welfare of all humanity. For a man who recognizes the connection meets reality, this knowledge can not go to unhealthy destructive approaches.

It 's the sensitivity and the correct answer. And this is the treasure that we carry, this is the potential we have, and this is the time to take the initiative to bringin bloom and flourish.

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(Note: above is a compressed version of this original article)

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