Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Proposed federal legislation would be a hate crime against America

"We're not going to win this case, but that's okay. Once we have" hate crime "laws on the books, we'll go after the scouts and all the other fanatics."

This was a comment in the tunnel connecting the Clinton White House for "gay" issues during the hearings on U.S. Supreme Court case Boy Scouts, built in 2000. He was the Reverend Rob Schenck, who they mistakenly thought was "whispered one of the liberal cleric who God is still thinking that his opinion sexualMorality.

The point is that the proposed federal "hate crime" law in the Senate less to fight injustice, as this is to elevate sexual preference is - all - the status of civil rights, to use as a battering ram against people with traditional values to be.

to provide a "hate crime" laws of unequal justice. You can appoint some other groups of victims to be charged. A grandmother with a cash machine should be much protection in law asMan walking on a gay bar. " But the proposed federal "hate crimes" law, an attacker of a man perceived as a homosexual would face harsh penalties in accordance with the hijackers as the grandmother.

Today (Thursday 25 June), the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act (S. 909) that the house, April 29 passed in a largely partisan 249-175 hold rating, with 10 abstentions .

Appointed to the Board of WyomingStudent beaten to death in 1998 and whose murderess was given the highest score in a state without a law of hate crimes S. 909 is not only unnecessary but is a serious threat to the constitutional rights of citizens. This is a huge power grab on federal criminal law of the state office of the Attorney General the power to intervene in a "hate crime" case if they consider it necessary.

It would be "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to add a list of specially protected classes assuch as race, ethnicity, gender and religion. If this bill passes, the U.S. Congress is officially a new category of civil rights movement is based in sexual confusion. As "sexual orientation", "gender identity" is infinitely flexible and includes transvestism (cross-dressing) and transsexualism (I believe it is the body of the wrong sex, and sometimes surgically changing one's sexual organs).

In the House version, an effort to exclude a change in billing"Pedophilia" has been in committee along party lines defeated. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL) also read a partial list of paraphilias of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, including child abuse and stated that "all these Philias and fetishes and isms that have been raised - should not live in fear because of what they are. "

Therefore, part of the bill that opponents call "pedophile protectionLaw. "

Here's how the law works in practice: it would add to the penalties imposed for those convictions, convictions on the basis of perceived crime or identification of the victim. To prove that the defendant has particular beliefs, language, writing, reading materials, and membership organizations would be an important test. "Have you now or have you ever had with a homophobic organization (as, for example, committed CatholicCharities)? "

Two points were added to placate such concerns:

Protected (3) Constitution-nothing in this law is not constitutionally protected speech, expressive conduct or activities prohibited (whether through coercion or central to a system of religious faith), including the exercise of religion protected by the First Amendment and peaceful vigil or demonstration. The Constitution does not protect speechBehavior or activities, consisting of planning, conspiracy to commit or is committing an act of violence.

(4) "freedom of expression can be interpreted in this law, law enforcement only for individual expression of beliefs, racial, religious, political or other or exclusively on individual membership to a group or to allow belief that partisanship ".

But American Civil Rights Union (ACRUs) attorney John Armor says: "This is a head fakefor citizens who do not understand freedom of speech are protected. "

Ken Klukowski, ACRUs a Senior Legal Analyst, explains: "Paragraph (3) is only a statement of the hand, so there are no legal implications No statute can constitutionally protected speech Speech shortened when it is loaded, and the President .. file suit, the process and the result is the same regardless of whether it looks like a point (3). The court considers the case in question, the type ofBurden on speech, and that extends First Amendment protection is also on the tongue. The court does not regard this language as (3) the decision of the case. If the load on individual cases is unconstitutional, then it is unacceptable that the law is based on fact or not. SO (3) is there only to help pass the bill by persuading people to say of himself: ". This bill does nothing to hurt anyone the right to freedom of speech" does not matter to courtWhatever. "

The bill would also be a black background for federal programs to prevent hate crime in the state and local levels, including school curricula, the traditional moral footing with "fanaticism". The Ministry of Justice of "hate crime" section is based on material from groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center, the conservative and Christian organizations legitimate lumps with "hate groups".

In addition to threats to fundamental freedoms, the law is not necessary.America is an epidemic of hate crimes, reported that the floods are a microscopic part of more than 11 million crimes in the United States each year. In the most recent crime report in October 2008 by the UP Department of Justice reported involved for the year 2007, almost 80 per cent of 7624 cases of "hate crimes" in "crimes against persons" listed "intimidation" (47.4 percent) or "mere prejudice" (31.1 percent), nothing could be related than words.

L 'federal bill of hate crime as any crime hate crimes law politicized, which refers to the pressure of police and prosecutors to devote more of their limited resources to specific victims at the expense of others. For example, homosexual activists climbed over Wyoming and created a media hype on the case of Matthew Shepard, the high cost of state for public relations. Meanwhile, the story of Kristin Lamb, a girl of eight who was killed a month before the death of Shepard in Wyomingand his body thrown into a landfill virtually received no coverage, or concerns about a possible "hate crime". hate crime laws are the basis for attacks on freedom of expression and religion. In Canada, the UK and Sweden have investigated and arrested clergy to enter traditional morality.

"Hate crimes" laws are already leading to silence people in the United States used. A pastor in New York, Staten Island saw two panelsBible verse down incorporated in 2000 under pressure from city officials who cited "hate crime" rhetoric.

In Philadelphia, 11 Christians were arrested and jailed overnight for singing and preaching in a public park at a homosexual street festival in 2004. Five of them were bound over and charged with five offenses, and three offenses for a total of a possible 47 years in prison. These costs, in Pennsylvania "hate crimes" law has been hanging over them for monthsuntil a judge has rejected them.

Americans love freedom deplore all violence against innocent victims (including homosexuals), but strongly opposed to "hate crime" laws as unjust and dangerous. All people deserve impartial justice under the 14th Amendment guarantee of equal protection before the law. The federal bill hate crime, dear rights of vulnerable on many levels.

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