Saturday, October 16, 2010

History of hats

The headgear once as a symbol of authority, the power was used. For example, in Egypt were able to carry only the great pharaoh headdress of a striped fabric, the crown was placed. All other classes, except slaves, they settled for wigs from a vegetable fiber. Richer than the person was the wig and curls were great.

In ancient Greece, men and women went with an uncovered head, only when driving they would put on a low, round felt hat with the fields(A hat with a swift-footed Hermes was depicted as a messenger of God, on the frescoes and sculptures). In the Middle Ages, men and women wore cloaks with hoods and raincoats. Hoods had diversified forms. Sometimes the end of a hood was so long that hangs below the waist.

In a medieval headdress ornament and luxury goods. People decorated their hats with feathers (banana spring), fur, ribbons and jewels.

Ladies and some men were then contributecalled gene - high conical hats. It was to be expected that gene thought of Isabella of Bavaria and he had brought into vogue in the 1395th Only 100 years later, disappeared from old clothes, but had not completely ceased to exist as a mason, has begun to wear it. The skeleton of the princesses gene was 3 meters high (near 1), the judge who had up to 2 feet (60 cm). One skeleton was from a card company or silk fabric and more features or other expensive materials. L 'transparent veil came from the rear of the gene. Often the person covered. All hair was beaten only a small triangle in the middle of the forehead. They were high that it was sometimes necessary to cut further through the doors. Even the heads of the condemned heretic burning were painted a cap crowned with sharp tip of a box, with tongues of fire and demons were with. Later Genin is shaped like a crescent or two on the right.

FromEast of fashion on turbans had come to Europe. Turbans have received wide circulation. Both were made by men and women. Persian turban, called a fabric that bound a head. The Persians spread of this headgear widely in the Islamic world.

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the turban disappeared from European fashion and reappear only in the course of a campaign of Napoleon in Egypt (a fashion empire-style) and again during the Second World War.

In Central Asia, turbanscould not be satisfied by the time workers and beggars, but all the other men about 5 years and wore a turban. The turban could be used as a dress elegant headgear as casually as well and can be easily converted into a belt.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, the cap was available. At first it was used for bathing and as a nightcap of women and men. The man's hat could be a long and hard about which side to go down to one. Later, the men refused toWear this head-dress and just wore Lama until the end of the nineteenth century.

In the fourteenth and fifteenth century dominated French fashion in Europe. Caps were long and sharp as bowling. Men's hats were fully decorated with peacock feathers. At that time, felt hats hand made by Russian craftsmen was once very popular.

Since ancient times, East Slavs wore hats all levels of society a bit 'extension upwards. Farmers have reduced the caps with a high crown of the headFelt. There were also low-cut caps with fur or velvet ribbon and brocade circle, which became known as murmolki. Dandy and the Tsars Guard (streltsi) in the seventeenth century wore fur caps with high volume and bottom-up emphasized the crown soft velvet.

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