Saturday, October 30, 2010

Growing up with Elton John - Tumbleweed Connection

Tumbleweed Connection is undoubtedly an album that leans toward country music. Elton is a Rock / Country Line. Bernie song that fits well with the music. The first track, "a well-known Gun Ballad" is a story told through the words and music. From the opening guitar to hit the eccentric piano work is doing this song, the aim is to tell the protagonist. Yes, it's almost like a mini-novel or short story. The character is singing and developedThe music is so that the listener to invest in a good story together. Elton hammered is beginning to show some 'of his piano, which should make it known in a few months.

The best songs on the album "Come Down in Time" is a mixture of words and music, as rarely heard in music. If there was one song that everyone should listen to this album, "Come Down in Time" would be. The song tells the sad experience, stood up. Orchestration sets amelancholy and mesh with the guitar of light, a sad love song with her voice compliments Elton crafting. there is no passion in this song is "sorry seems to be the hardest word", years later, and other notable songs, but this is special.

Country Comfort is the obvious country song on this album, and I must say, it works! There is something in this song gives a strong image of a rural and agricultural buildings that surround the life feeling is incredible. E 'Taupin is well documented that at this point in his life has not visited the United States and was projecting his head a bird's eye view of our cultural landscape. He nailed. I'm not a fan of country music, but I love this song and his steel guitar. The choir uplifts me and makes me nostalgic for the days spent in my uncle spent in the company. It also brings back my childhood - be amazed at night next to my turntable, as this tandem can capture the emotions and communicate itthrough music. The harmonica is a great touch. "Country Comfort, every truck coming home ..."

The next track is an uptempo number called "son of your father." A lesson for life, as it appears to behave. This song appears with harmonica, horns, funky guitars and a spring-opera that once again, as the entire album tells a story. Elton throws the lyrics and the chorus is full of energy. This is a group that works hard. You can tell by the energy with whichThey tell their story through music. Even references to rule Virginia, a place Taupin had not yet seen. Just goes to show that good stories do not know the geography.

The next song was featured in the movie Elizabethtown. The guitar and piano intro is sweet. "My Father's Gun" is the story of a Confederate soldier watching his father's death in the hands of Union soldiers. The chorus of this song with his voice once again provided electricity and orchestration and support that make theto invest the feelings of the listener. Again, Taupin tells a story about our history and geography, which is very suitable. It works. Just click on this note, this album is just fantastic. Elton is these songs with vigor. He is, of course, stories such as singing and musicians gather around him the compliment of trouble. Elton's piano is decent in this song, but it's what the song requires preparation. There is no bad song on this album, incidentally. From beginning to end,excellent.

"Where to now St. Peter" begins with a quiet piano, swims through a lyrical intro leading into a beautiful rocking chair. This song reminds of Empty Sky, with its images. When the song picks up speed, it packs a punch with a dense lyricism, solid drums and piano class at work. One of the most beautiful songs I can think of uptempo, "Where to now St. Peter" never stops, I was amazed with Elton ability to make a shirt with the familiar lyric. I remember my car to drive asTeenager increases and melody. Since I am not on the airwaves, people would ask who he was and what was the album of it. Always nice to be a hardcore fan of Elton. . .

"Love Song", the song on the album not written by him and Taupin. Leslie Duncan wrote the lyrics and the music and sang with Elton on this route. "Love Song" is incredibly smooth, beautiful ballad, with harmony overlays that melt the soul, and immerse the audience into a surreal world of contemplationLove. "Love Song" is carried out on another live album, excellent effect. This song is indescribably beautiful. You need to listen to understand. The song asks: "Her eyes really seen?". To understand the song of beauty is the question: "Did you hear your ears really." Elton fans out there, you know what I do. .. Meaning "

"Love Song" is a piano on a heavy track "Amoreena" below. Elton to change the tone of his voice and Taupin wrote lyrics about a man and his lovefor his wife, who is visually alive - for a hearing aid. The solo piano work on this track is fun, but gives us the visual Bernie and the tone of the voice to make the scenes come alive. "She dreams of crystal streams, from the old days when there was thin, laughter burst, fit, from 'more ..." I want to meet "Amoreena. I always have. It 's something special. There was a time when this one song of my top twenty songs of Elton was. He simply made too many good songs for themremain on the raised area. Deserves to be heard. "Rolling through the hay like a baby kitten ..."

The next song is a sad song starts with a piano which is both sad and exciting. "Talking Old Soldiers" Taupin is the most moving songs, perhaps his entire career. This is Elton and his piano. And Taupin. This song is an example of why catapulted the world for the next album of the Rock and Roll consciousness. This story is powerful. It touches the painAging. "You know what it means to wear a cemetery for a friend, to the fact that when they are young, everyone. 'S have .." Just a small example of a lyric that is gripping the hearts and minds. Passion is vocally Elton First draft. There is nothing better than these people.

"Burn Down The Mission" is a concert and a personal favorite. This song rocks. R - O - C - K - S!. Can I stress that word enough? Never. This song Rocks! The tempo changes are impressive. The piano is great!Live, this song rocks back on your heels. Elton performed this song for free for decades, and rightly so. I used to see if I could blow my speakers with this song. If you really want a version of a kitchen, a copy of Elton album "11-17-70" live. I was always amazed, not melt the vinyl on my turntable when I drive. For every young, we did not have the CD then. This was the day of the vinyl 33 rpm and the sound was pure. L 'Orchestration in "Burn Down The Mission" to help with the crescendo of a chorus piano burning, "encourages you to see the torch, the" flame "to keep her." I've always been able to see that song. This was the last song on the original. I always thought it was a great precursor Honky Cat, Rocket Man, Susie (dramas), and all the wonderful music of others, the album is the sequel to the next - Honky Chateau.

For my money, is an absolute Tumbleweed ConnectionJewel.

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