Friday, September 17, 2010

The Library of Alexandria

Ptolemy Soter (king of Egypt 323-283 BC) began the construction of the library of Alexandria. E 'destined to be the largest library ever to be several hundred years. He also built the temple of the Muses, hence the word "museum". His intention was to collect the most important roles in the world under one roof and translate into greek.

The library deserves some thoughts from someone who appreciates all types of written documents, but also because it has thegreater loss of consciousness, always. It 'been under the protection of kings and queens of the Ptolemaic dynasty and was constantly expanded.

The library is believed to have saved 400000-700000 rolls. In addition to the headquarters building of the library was the temple of Serapis, in another part of the city, even if a library used by about 10% of total holdings. There is no real agreement on the time of the destruction of the library, even if all referencesagreement that has been burned, probably on several occasions. According to Plutarch (47-127 AD), the library was destroyed by Julius Caesar in 47-48 BC. If this is true, it could be only partially destroyed because there is evidence of the library after this.

The destruction has probably occurred several times during the sweep fanatics organized by Christian emperors and bishops, and maintained by Christian crazy. The destruction was completed later by Muslims. TheThe motto of the Library, the place of healing the soul, not authorized by the Bible, the Koran is.

381 AD. Emperor Flavius Theodosius (AD 378-395) banned visits to ancient temples. public debates on religious issues were no longer allowed. He ordered the destruction of all pagan temples and the destruction of thousands of non-Christians throughout the Roman Empire. In Egypt, the task of Patriarch Theophilus of Alexandria (385-412 AD) and assigned to the bishop in CyprusSalamis, Epiphanius (315-403 AD). Both started a program of heavy persecutions against non-Christians. No place of worship was, no stone unturned, no philosophers against the new religion.

At that time, about 391 CE, was the temple of Serapis, a Christian church and converted the scrolls were probably destroyed.

Laurence Gardner says Theophilus Secrets of Lost in the holy ark, p. 89: Led by the Roman-appointed Bishop Theophilus, movedrazed to Serapion, where the gathering took place in the great library of Alexandria, and the earth ground for the field to the teachings of the Church of newly registered light literature. In this context, was in Rome, he said, the serpent of wisdom crucified like Jesus (a repository of wisdom), was crucified by the same institution. Theodosius has secured a place in history books as one of the unjust, as manipulated, most of Kaiser. Perhaps the chief MessengerMichael was still in Constantinople! Edict of Theodosius Epifanio said ... that will not obey father Epiphanius have no right to continue living on the island. The Cypriot Epifanio not threatened to deport people from their place of birth, when he converted to Christianity!

Cyril bishop of Alexandria (378-444 AD), who was a cousin of Theophilus and followed him after his death, Christian mob led by Jews and Gentiles. (The pagans were all people with other religionsthat Judaism or Christianity). The synagogues were razed to the ground and drove the Jews from the city. Another crowd of Christians attacked probably by Cyril also ordered and killed the great philosopher and mathematician Hypatia of Alexandria (ca. 370-414 AD).

We have passed the details on the horrific death of Socrates of Church history from the site Cosmopolis said ... and pull out of the car, she called them to church Caesareum,where they completely stripped and then killed them with tiles. After tearing his body apart, took the members to a place called Cinaron mangled and burned there.

It was the year 414 AD, in the fourth year of Cyril's episcopate. By building a well-known, the Caesareum as a church, witnesses, that Christians were once disorganized not even have churches like we have today. World Wisdom site says Cyril: Cyril is coming into the ChristianHistory as one of the "saints" of the church, despite the fact that was known for stealing gold and silver vases and the church has tried to spend the money earned selling them. But petty theft is not worthy of the name of Cyril of Alexandria, his dark immortality in the annals of religious history. His real crime was more serious, the crime of murder, intentionally against one of the noblest characters of history: Hypatia, committed the last of the Neoplatonists.

Thatwas also the end of neo-Platonic school of Alexandria. Plato founded the Academy of Athens, a few thousand years earlier, he never imagined that his philosophical ideas threaten the earth would be the most powerful man on the ruler Enlil / Yahweh. In fact, not only Plato and Neoplatonists threatened his plans for domination of humanity, but the whole person of free thought.

Paulus Orosius (385-420 AD), historian and theologian, in his History against suchDear "on the following Serapeum: Today there are temples in breast sterling, which we ourselves have seen, and when these temples were plundered, these, we are told, were emptied by our people in our time, which is in fact a true statement. destroyers were proud of the destruction of knowledge accumulated time in the name of Yahweh. The remains of the library, the Christian crowd were destroyed in the name of Allah survived.

According to other sourceslarge library, or traces of which was destroyed in AD 640 by Amr, the head of the Islamic forces in an attack in Egypt, according to the command of the Caliph Omar.

When asked Amr, what to do with the great books of the library is to Caliph Omar said that the books must be destroyed because: either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or whether it 's agreement with that, they are useless. Then the documents were intended to beare used as bait in the bath house for several months! Under the Treasury pounds lost during the burning library Trismegistus real, most of the 42 books on education, or the 42 books of Thoth (Hermes), as are better known. Some of them describes how to implement an "immortality", among other topics.

To determine the importance of the library and its contribution to human development, we present a list of some of the philosophers and scientists who hadwere at work, or represented in the great library. Without doubt, the great knowledge lost neutralizes human development enormously.

Anaximander (ca. 610-547 BC) stated that "the earth like a ball, and is orbiting the sun." While Anaximander free to express their opinion of the Catholic Church burned at the stake and imprisoned philosopher, mathematician and astronomer Giordano Bruno, about two thousand years later! He also believed that the orbit of the earth was the sun.According to the Catholic Church, also had false beliefs about the Trinity and Christ's divinity and Incarnation. How could the earth orbit the sun? It was not against the will of the Catholic Church?

Pythagoras (BC) not only accepts 580-520, the teachings of Anaximander, was also teaching the great discoveries of man.

Plato (427-347) BC (various dates available) was a philosopher of the Academy, the first university of Athens (founded in 388 BC), whichflourished for over 900 years. The Academy was closed by order of the Roman Christian emperor Justinian in 529 AD. Plato, like Socrates and Aristotle, dedicated to philosophy and science and ideas about morality. The reasons for closure were the ideas of 'academy were in conflict with the dogmas of the Lord!

Empedocles (494-434 BC) said that the moon in orbit around the Earth and Moon was not "proper light," but is "borrowed".

Demokretos (460-370 BC)dark spots on the moon: "And 'the shadow of great mountains and valleys." . Also, that "in space, there are many more planets can be seen as us" He is considered the father of atomic theory.

Aristarchus of Samos (310-230 BC) said that not only the Earth is in orbit around the sun, but all the other planets of the solar system did the same. Earth also has its own rotary Axel, and the distance between the Earth and other stars behind it was greatImagination.

Euclid of Alexandria (323-283 BC) wrote the elements of geometry.

Archimedes (287-212 BC) was a mathematician, astronomer, engineer, philosopher and physicist. It 'was probably in the library of Alexandria, invented the water pump in the shape of lives, one of the few inventions that have survived destruction by organized crime of crazy Christian.

Heron of Alexandria (first century, around 62 CE, there are different dates) was a mathematician with greatInterest in engineering and mechanics. He built various types of machinery for civil and military, of which the best known of the steam turbine is' aeolipile. His most famous work in mathematics was Proposition 1.8 of his work "metric", now known as Heron's formula.

Although we now know that was the persecution of people and destruction of knowledge of Christian emperors ordered and carried out by the Christian fathers and Christian mobs, it is not right.The Christian emperors acted under the instructions acted by the Lord family, the Sumerian kings in the same way the will of the same family. The alien high commander of the Earth Enlil / Yahweh is still in office used by the world scientific mind control!

It is not difficult to lose the large amount of current knowledge destroyed by religious fanaticism, and the delay has lost in this way, human development.

Old Sumerian, Babylonian and greekdocuments, as well as many prominent authors, the connection between the Sumerian god Enlil (Human-Alien) and the Lord God of the Christian Bible. The message is clear: the Lord is a God among many gods, not God!

Many scholars argue that the most important thing is to know who he was, should we blame for destruction of the library, but the fact that the accumulated wisdom of time has been lost forever. I'm not so sure, know that the destroyers were probably bothChristians and Muslims. Equally important is to establish its jurisdiction, because he acted under the influence exercised by mind control science from the same God! The records of the history of the destruction of accumulated knowledge of the time, the library of Alexandria, Enlil Lord, as the real instigators and are responsible for the destruction.

1 comment:

  1. If people want to know more about the historical Hypatia, I highly recommend a very readable biography titled Hypatia of Alexandria by Maria Dzielska (Harvard Press, 1995.) I also have a post on the fate of the Great Library at my blog.
