Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Southern Vermont to see the page # 2

But for the Connecticut River, the site I am writing about would almost be in Southern Vermont. I am including it in my "Southern Vermont Sites to See" series because it is so close to Chester, VT.

During the last Foliage I took my grandsons to see The Fort at No. 4 in Charleston, NH, just across the river from Springfield, VT. Our next door neighbor Ruth, in Chester, volunteers as a historical interpreter at the fort, and suggested that the boys might enjoy a visit.

The website for The Fort at No. 4 states the following:

Travel back in time to Charlestown, New Hampshire in the 1740's and have an unforgettable experience in an authentically reconstructed settlement.
Tour with guides dressed as original settlers of The Fort at No. 4 as they take you through the gates of our heritage. Meet the likes of Dr. Hastings, Lt. Parker, and Capt. Phineas Stevens.
Watch demonstrations of hearth cooking, musket firings, military drills and much more..

When we arrived at the gate we were greeted by a young man dressed in authentic colonial garb. He explained a bit about the history of The Fort at No. 4. (If you visit, be sure to ask them why it's called The Fort at No. 4.)

Our historical interpreter explained the history of The Fort at No. 4 to my grandsons and me. As we approached the outside of the palisade, we immediately noticed that there are gaps between the pales of the palisade. The builders of Fort at No. 4 included these gaps for three reasons:

To prevent snow from piling up against the wall
To prevent the pales from burning together
To provide a gap through which to shoot their rifles.

We learned that the massacre at the village of Deerfield on February 29, 1704 was made easier because the pales of its palisade were close together and during the blizzard preceding the attack the snow piled up against the wall. As a result the Indians and French were able to snow shoe over the wall into the village.

The interpreters at The Fort at No. 4 are very well versed in the history, culture, and behaviors of the early pioneers who settled this area of New England during some very difficult times. The history of the fort and its inhabitants is tightly connected to the history of the French and Indian War. The reconstructed buildings, rooms, and the displays are an outstanding presentation of our country's pre-revolutionary period.

Visit The Fort at No. 4 website to see pictures of the fort and some of its rooms and exhibits. There are also directions on how to get there. Check the website for details about when they're open and the special events they hold.

Ruth showed the boys how to card wool so it could be spun into yarn and then demonstrated how yarn was made on the spinning wheel. Then she explained how the spun yarn was used in the loom to make cloth and other fabric items. A Jill of All Trades, she also acts as an interpreter in the kitchen display and can cook up a colonial dinner with the best of them

Of course, the colonial settlers were not the first inhabitants of the area. The Abenaki Indian village exhibit and presentation was an outstanding experience. A member of the Mohawk tribe explained the Abenaki village display and gave a presentation about their culture. This is a good place to get your preconceptions of Indian life and culture corrected. The tribes in this area had cultural practices that were far more forward thinking and practical than those of the colonists. This was one of the best parts of our visit.

Of course, the boys loved the cannon and were thrilled to discover the door leading to the guard tower overlooking the Connecticut River. There is a fantastic view of the river from a window in the tower. They were amazed and not a little amused to learn that bread for the entire community was baked in an earthen beehive oven in the main yard of the fort.

This is definitely a side trip I would recommend to anyone visiting the Southern Vermont area. I even think that during winter, this would be a great place to visit for both adults and youngsters.

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