Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wild Sex and the Bacchanalia

Today, when we hear the term Bacchanal is always thrown over for wild parties I used commonly to describe out of control. In the popular frenzied bacchanalia participants are characterized with moshing in a pit of sexual orgies. The Bacchanalia were not conventional, the parties involved sexually charged mysticism, wild sex and divine community, for the revelers "to get the states of euphoria, floating allowsbetween divine ecstasy and oblivion of nothingness. Those who have one week to one of the Hedonism resorts in Jamaica probably find the atmosphere of bacchanalia sexually surprisingly familiar.

The worship of Bacchus was a secret that religion in Asia Minor (now Turkey) emerged and spread to Greece and southern Italy, where he was very popular with the Romans. Despite their celebrity notes, not so much about the Bacchanalia. This ismainly due to the fact that religions mystery to the uninitiated and their internal operation kept secret from the outside world were closed. However, scientists may be able to put together fragments of old documents, historical texts and plays that help give us an idea of the bacchanalian festivities.

The Bacchanal first appearance in Greece around 700 BC and eventually found their way into Italy from the fourth century before Christ. The first orgy held twice a yearin winter and were for girls and women who have booked their rites performed naked. At that time, Rome had become the outstanding achievement in the Mediterranean countries after the victory over Carthage in the Second Punic War (202 BC), had rituals, makes it very popular with the locals open. Eligibility was extended to men and people of all social classes, even slaves could also join in the fun. With the increasing popularity, the celebrations were held as oftenfive times a month.

The time and place for orgies were often closely guarded secrets. The priests and priestesses have preferred to hold their meetings in remote forests, where their privacy could be guaranteed. On the day of the festival, trailer gold would cause some goat horns painting. special torch was dipped in sulfur and carbon did. Followers often wear the skins of the animals of the forest fawn emulated. Skimpy outfits or full nudity was even parfor the course. Participants would often bring along their favorite sex toys, sexy women would wands, while the men could bring on a wooden phallus.

After dark, revelers will dance in a clearing to the sounds of crash pools and loud music continued. When the celebrants came on the spot, they could see below quaffing wine, dancing, jumping, screaming swirling, and in general is raging in a state. They inspire each otherin ever greater acts of ecstasy, with the whole scene would descend into a mosh pit of writhing sexual orgies. The aim was to achieve a heightened state of ecstasy, in which the fanatics, the souls are released temporarily from their physical existence would be. It was during these moments that the faithful were hoping to Bacchus community and get an idea of what he met the day after their resurrection in the afterlife.

The festival will culminate with a gesture of despairPower and ecstasy, as the trees and ate ribs off the ground for the raw flesh of their sacrificial animals. The latter act was like a sacred community, where the faithful believe, the identity of Bacchus. symbolically by drinking his blood and eating his body, the followers believed to be one with Bacchus. The euphoric supporters then race on the banks of a nearby river with their burning torches and dive into the water. Since their torches madeSulfur and coal, would produce water from the burning again, a symbol of power Bacchus.

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