Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jesus Christ - Superman - Part IV

It's a bird. . It's a plane. . No! And 'Jesus Christ, Superman, Savior of the world! "Roll the stone away, Lazarus come forth!" Jesus has commanded. Immediately Lazarus came out of his rocky crypt pull the bandages from his face while taking a sip of fresh air.

John 11: 45-48: "A lot of people who come to visit Mary saw what Jesus had done and thought back to him, but some of them the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done, so that ' ..and the chief priests, the Council met with the Pharisees, saying to do? show how "in all the wonders of this man is doing, what we have left to go, any of these make him believe in, and the Roman authorities to take measures and to destroy our temple and our nation!"

Jesus Christ, Superman, has once again demonstrated his miraculous powers. Lazarus, where he died four days, could not refrain from it do its job in the world, what to do, were able to show, when,only they would trust him.

All the people were amazed and celebrated his return forces of Lazarus' from the dead. There were those who loved the world and could not believe that Jesus was the Messiah elected. They wanted to control their lives in this world. You do not need or want a Savior! They wanted the bill.

The struggle for power that has been touched, the invisible forces of spiritual evil of Satan. They forced her thoughts into the minds ofJesus, the Pharisees decided to kill.

John 11: 46-52 "One of them, Caiaphas, the high priest that year, said:" What are you fools! Do not you know you better for a man dying people instead of the whole nation destroyed? "Actually, he did not mean for myself, but, as was the high priest that year he prophesied that Jesus would die for the Jewish people, and not only them but also fortogether in one body all the people of God scattered. "

The stage was set and thickened the plot against Jesus Now Jesus Christ, Superman, would give his life so that everyone would have the capacity to believe in him and a lost world and the fall of darkness and evil must be saved.

miraculous healing of Lazarus from the victory of one of secrecy and hide changed. Now, Jesus could no longer speak in the temple. Satan's desire was to defeat him and put an end to Jesus'The teaching of the truth.

Just as Jesus had done to the world because he needed to convince him. He taught his disciples, such as the belief in them would help him see the darkness that Satan lives in place for every man.

Jesus was the beacon of light, light in the world and would become the heart of the sons of God with the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit. Believing in Jesus is to unleash the greatestHave you ever met.

The teaching of the inner voice of the Holy Spirit would have made the rules for the game of life. A voice so that it changes people and makes them love beaming and reflect the spirit of purity, the other pushes to do what they have.

The Passover celebration could begin and Jesus had no choice but to go to Jerusalem. He does not need to go in secret this time, however, he road as a humble servant of God upon the foal of a donkey.

The ceremony, whichfilled Jerusalem forced all people resort palm branches and throwing their cloaks on the ground. Jesus came into the game ads for all people, God's way of better perceived as men, will come as the Messiah.

God wanted Jesus to war for a soldier who would never fight a man made one. Jesus was a savior who would stop at this world and the fight against the spiritual forces of the invisible heavenly kingdom. Would have the agent for all the people who asked him for hisHow could we find to fight the last war game of life.

Any person who the man was a struggle born of the land would be given a task that was beyond. It 'was a war that took in people's minds. A war of Satan encounter a force equal to divine men that they would fight the human struggle with faith and love.

John 15: 12-14: "My command is: you can love one another as I love The greatest love a person has for his friends is to give his life.for them. And you are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you. "

Now the world is and how people live in the world is radically different. Now we are soldiers of God to do battle against every bad thing that happens in the world. We bear our cross as Jesus and struggle against the plagues of the world are found in diseases such as cancer.

We are in the world is released, so that we humans are, we can not even show the fear of dying. Death has no fear of us, because we believe thisWorld is temporary. Our faith in Jesus Christ gives us the opportunity, in our poor children who have AIDS to hold. Even if your child is sweating with fever, his body has the release of toxins, the disease sets in her tiny body, first and exposing us gathered around the disease.

Belief in the supernatural power of Jesus brings healing and miracles in our lives we are like a warrior decided to love the homeless drug addicts and drug in the world greatly. WeDo not be afraid!

We do not judge the man found in all the weaknesses, because we love our neighbor. If we want to understand others, we say that suffering is the person to go through we could be. Having this knowledge allows us to forgive and live our lives as Christ lived as a humble servant. A staff member who was just as vulnerable as any other suffering.

John 15: 18-21 "," If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first if you belonged.the world, then the world would love them as your own. But I have chosen out of the world, and do not belong to him, that's why the world hates you. Remember what I said. "No servant is not greater than his master" If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you, if they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours too. But they will do anything for you because you are mine, not because they know the person who sent me. "

Suddenly, the greatest game ever played will be taking shape,enlighten the world, the people the truth about the state. Those who fight for God, as Jesus suffered persecution. For our struggle against the man as well. Our struggle is with the spiritual forces of evil and his desire to force all people living in the world of Satan!

From the first sin of Adam, was a game. When Adam and Eve become like God has forced all people in the Valley of the most important decision he ever made. A game was lifedesigned to teach them the difference between right and wrong. In order to reveal the truth, all people had a choice that would provide a test will be presented.

Satan represents bad decisions. Evil can be found in greed, immorality, disease, death, desire for power, thinking ill of others, war, poverty, murder and injustice of any kind God is the opposite of Satan reveals the importance of being a servant. They show us that love is better than hate. Giving isbetter, that is the acceptance and respect for the quality, the ultimate goal of every person's life.

Jesus brought a new light of understanding for all. The truth about how the world works is the power to an individual life so that they can stand against evil and win the world forever.

Lazarus raised from the dead, Jesus who could prove to us that we have the same power over death. Death was Satan's control over people, but life is what you get when you stop to think about how weakThe man and believe in the miraculous power of work to all those who put their faith in Christ.

Jesus Christ was the savior of the world last Superman. His message was love. His goal was to give his life for others the power, the world of the game of life to God and the good would win. Our reward is eternity in heaven!

Superman to work a miracle to believe in the Unseen and knowing that our lives more than physical andConcrete world today. We have what we believe in the burden of suffering and, with the conviction that we win our individual game to the cross of Jesus Christ.

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