Monday, December 20, 2010

Obesity and the Cola Connection

If you are addicted to cola drinks that you are probably addicted to sugar. Sugar as you may or may not know is considered to be an empty calorie. It provides tons of calories with no nutritional value and numerous studies have proven a link between obesity and cola drinkers in the United States.
In fact if you drink a cola a day you are also setting yourself up to develop a nice case of Type 2 Diabetes as the high fructose corn syrup in each eight ounce serving contains a whopping 14 tablespoons of sugar.

Let's take the most popular soft drink in the world, Coca Cola, as a nutritional example.

One eight ounce serving of Coca Cola Classic contains 140 calories, most of it from high fructose corn syrup and caffeine.
That caffeine helps speed that sugar to your intestines and pancreas causing blood sugar spikes and crashes. These sugar crashes cause a craving for more cola, which provides yet another quick fix to get a sugar high.
This is why so many people who drink colas often drink several a day. They are addicted to the sugar in the beverage. Many overweight individuals don't like to admit it but they consume way more cola a day than just eight ounces.
Many drink at least three to four servings a day. Four servings adds an additional 560 calories to your diet a day.

Are you any better off drinking Diet Coca Cola?
If you look at the ingredients on a can of Diet Coke you will see that aspartame has been added to the mix as a sugar free substitute.
However this is absolutely worthless considering that the second highest ingredient in Diet Coke is still that high fructose corn syrup which speeds glucose to the pancreas and brain.
This is why it is also easy to get addicted to the mood fix you get from drinking diet coke.

No matter what brand of cola you are drinking most have three ingredients that are harmful to human health.

1. Sweeteners. Sugar in soft drinks (including non-cola drinks) increases weight gain and also the incidence of dental cavities. Non-caloric sweeteners such as saccharin and aspartame can also have undesirable side-effects such as headaches, mouth ulcers and gas.

2. Caffeine. This poor man's "upper" is added specifically to cola drinks. It is a diuretic and can elevate blood pressure. It has been suggested that caffeine is linked to heart attacks, strokes and the development of rheumatoid arthritis. If you are already on a stimulant weight loss supplement you could be asking for trouble.

3. Phosphoric acid. This acid is typically only used in cola drinks, which
are very acidic (low pH) compared to other soft drinks. This can increase
the rate of enamel loss from teeth. Phosphates in general cause decalcification of bone tissue, accelerating the process of osteoporosis.

Obviously if you care about your health and you want to lose weight then one of your first steps should be to stop drinking cola drinks.
It is estimated that you can lose 15 pounds a month simply by cutting all sugary, carbonated drinks from your diet!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Writers Do it With Words - Writing the Sex Scene

Word-for-word, the sex scene is one of the most important in your novel and few genres don't, at some point, require you to address the idea of sex. Of course, you can simply choose to close the door on the reader, leaving your characters to their privacy, but don't be too quick to make that choice.

Why you should do it?

There are plenty of reasons to gloss over the sex act, such as the age or mores of your target reader, but don't use these as an excuse. If you've already put your reader through foul language, gore, and violence then they can probably handle a little sex. In fact, after all of that, they're probably looking forward to it.

Sex is the reward for every obstacle your heroes have overcome and every danger they've survived. And since your reader has been with them every step of the way, they just might hold it against you if you don't invite them to the afterparty,.

When should you do it?

Sex between the two main characters can bond them together, either at the start of the adventure or just before the climax, or it can be the spoils of a grand adventure. Of course, it can also happen anywhere in between, and sometimes it's the act of sex itself that gets the ball rolling.

Bear in mind, however, that once your two main characters have had sex, your reader will never look at them the same way. You'll never be able to build (or recover) the sexual tension between them, even if you allow years to pass. In fiction, as in real life, familiarity dampens intrigue. So if you want a sex scene in the early parts of your book, you'd be wise to keep at least one of your main characters out of it. Best to save yourself until you're sure the reader is committed.

So how do you do it?

The build up to a sex scene-the foreplay if you will-might go on for pages, even your entire novel, but the description of the act itself is usually quite terse. Within this small passage, it is important to choose your words carefully, eliminating all but the most evocative descriptions and not overwhelming your reader with detail. Kissing a trembling stomach or the feel of a rough palm across sensitive skin is far more effective than a blow-by-blow of what comes after.

The golden rule of sex, though, is to tell the truth. This doesn't mean you'll need tons of personal experience, but it's important that you start with something you've either seen or done. If you don't, what you describe is going to feel impersonal, and therefore unsatisfying.

Writing an honest sex scene is a tough job, and easily as intimidating as inviting someone into your bedroom. But, as a writer, it's your job to bring people into the world you've created. And the best way to do that is to take something from your life and use it to touch upon something in your reader's.

A rough guide to writing sex:

1) Don't be too graphic (unless you're writing for penthouse).

2) Be graphic enough (don't let your reader miss the fun).

3) The foreplay is the thing: it's the lead-up to the sex that makes the act special, and the more time you take with it, the more fulfilling it's going to be.

4) Don't overdo it: too much description and your reader will disconnect from the action.

5) Write what you know (even if you aren't Henry Miller).

6) Be honest: fakey sex scenes are unfulfilling.

7) Timing matters, so time it so it matters. In writing, as in life, if sex comes too easily, it feels cheap.

8) Don't leave it to wonder: make it clear to your reader if your characters have had sex or not. If you don't, they'll be distracted trying to figure that out instead of paying attention to what you're onto next.

Just remember: a squeamish reader can breeze over a sex scene, but a writer cannot. And while reading a sex scene can never be as pleasurable as the real thing, a well-written one can be just satisfactory.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Celebrate Halloween

UK Halloween celebrations seem to have become popular since the film E.T., released in 1982, where much of the action takes place in a typical US suburb during the celebration of Halloween. Halloween is, of course, the night of 31st October, the night before All Hallows day, also known as All Saints Day. Hence the name Hallow Even, abbreviated to Halloween.

However, it is almost certainly based on the Celtic Harvest Festival celebrations (called Samhain) at the end of a successful harvest, that would ensure survival until next year. Because it was difficult to grow enough food to feed all the animals throughout the winter, many would be slaughtered to provide for the family.

The celebrations also involved bonfires to burn the bones of the dead animals, another pagan festival that has been converted, this time into burning Guy Fawkes on Bonfire Night. The carving of pumpkins and other root vegetables to make Jack O' Lanterns is also believed to date from these Celtic festivals. They were used to frighten the evil spirits (and later the Devil) from the premises.

The ancient Romans celebrated Pomona, the goddess of trees and fruits in late October. When the Romans came to Britain, the natural merging of the two cultures resulted in the combination of the Roman festival with that of the Celtic Samhain. This may well be the origin of apple bobbing and other apple games at this time of the year.

"Trick or Treat "may have its roots in an ancient Scottish custom. There are spirits who were not scared of pumpkin lanterns were a lot of food, leave the house alone for another year open. Another possible origin is the English tradition of Mischief Night (celebrated on November 4, between Halloween and Bonfire Night) in boys jokes in their neighborhood. hooliganism is not a modern invention, after all.

However, Halloween has lost its religious andsymbolic significance for most people; it is simply an opportunity for children and adults alike to have a party!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Tips on Choosing Comforter Sets

A look at the fashion for the bedroom, without compromising the quality comforter sets, it is essential to take care of some problems in choosing comforter September Here are some points to consider when choosing a duvet in September.

People know the different styles of quilt

Comforter sets are available in different styles such as contemporary styles, traditional and casual. The style of the bed lay people should choose one that fits better with lidthe room's decor. For example, a comforter with paisley designs fits well in a room decorated with a traditional Asian theme. Pink-colored paisley designs over a white fabric give an elegant look to the room. To enjoy a contemporary-looking bedroom, select comforter sets with prints such as stripes, plaids and polka dots. Bed cover sets are available in various sizes such as king, twin and queen size. Select a size that best fits your needs and is within your budget limit.

Consider the Quality of bed cover sets

September duvet Shopping can be a good investment, therefore, has every effort to choose the quality of the product. Quality cotton quilts offer comfort and warmth. It 'important that the covers are machine washable and will not fade or shrink during washing to choose. If you have allergies, look for the pen that is used in the comforter.

Choose accessories

A set can be as simple as a comfortersingle comforter, or as complex as a jumbo pack with a whole set of accessories such as decorative pillows and matching sheets. The accessories you wish to include in the set depend on the cost you can afford.

Compare the prices

Depending on the style and comfort offered by the bed cover sets, the cost varies from twenty dollars to several hundred dollars. To grab the best deal, it is essential to compare the prices offered by different stores. However, make note of the style and quality of the comforter being offered. Festival season is the best time to grab good deals on high-quality comforter sets. If there are no boundaries on your budget, you can consider choosing bed cover sets that are custom made to meet your personal needs. A great number of online stores provide the option of getting personal photos or other designs of your choice printed on the comforter to personalize it.

Pay attention to details

After deciding on all the above Considerations, pay attention to small details such as color, assembly and fluffiness of the pillow. Choose a color scheme that you like, the rest corresponds to that room. Everything should work together to create a pleasing appearance, giving the room. set cover When shopping for a bed, it's a good idea to take with you with samples of the colors already in the room coordination easy.

Simplify the task of choosing comforter sets by proof of knowledgepresented here, and enjoy the warmth and style offered by elegant comforter sets.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Roadside Drama

Call it Fate, Call it bad luck, you can even call it a twist of faith. Our adventure today was definitely something. Driving home from a festival was fairly normal. When I went to switch lanes I heard something hit the car. I didn't see anything, but it felt like something hit the car and I ran it over. When I looked in the rear view mirror I didn't see anything on the road. Very strange right? I continued to drive down the road and everything seemed fine. Wrote it off as one of those freak things that happens from time to time.

As I turned onto the last interstate that leads to our home I told my husband something didn't seem right with the car. I was fighting too much to keep the car straight. Then suddenly there was like a thump, loud noise, and smoke smell. I pulled over on the interstate.

The tire was flat! Less than a month old tire and it is flat and smoking as the rubber was burning. Getting the tools out and getting ready to change the tire and feeling stressed because we are right on the side of a busy interstate. Those of you who have watched those shows on T.V. where they have those amazing accidents on interstates can imagine the stress I felt thinking of my 2 kids on the side of the road.

In this day and age people just don't stop for stranded drivers. You cannot really blame them because so many bad things have happened. So, here we were on the side of the interstate and car after car just continue to drive by. Not that they weren't gawking at us, but none of them were about to stop.

Luckily for us that both my husband and I have had to change tires before so this should be a piece of cake right? Of course we were in a SUV and that is slightly different, but still we had changed tires before. Yes, even I a woman knew how to change the tire. Only one major issue stood in our way. The lock bolt on the tire was stripped and was too tight to take off. Being that our tires were only a month old the only determination is that the shop that put the tires on made the mistake of drilling the lock bolt on and over tightening them. Mistake number one for sure.

So here we are with a flat tire we cannot change because we cannot get the lock bolt off. We decide to call roadside assistance right. They can surely help get the lock bolt off so we can be on our way. I spend the next 20 minutes on the phone trying to get this done. They put me on hold and after 5 minutes say let me call you back.

2 police must stop at different times. They had not come out of the car and just asked if she needed him for help. My husband got me on the phone at the moment and I told him I was asking for help. He passed and left. The other policeman came out and asked us what was our plan. We explained the situation with the bolts and we were waiting for assistance. At this point, take our license number and make some excuses somewhere else so that they can not stay andhelp. She returned to her vehicle and left.

Roadside assistance calls back and says they are sending someone from across town and it was going to take 40 minutes. UGH! Here we are 2 kids on the side of the interstate already there for 30 minutes and they are asking us to wait 40 more minutes for someone to help. ARE YOU SERIOUS!!! Yes unfortunately this is the sad truth.

We called a friend of my husband who without hesitation jumped in his car and came to help. While waiting for the assistance they both tried to get the tire off. The lock bolt was a waste. The frustration grew as we were now into over an hour of this ordeal and still no resolution.

A small geo metro type car pulls up with an attached neon light on the top. You know the kind that look like a pizza delivery guy. The 3 of us adults stood stunned as we realized this was the guy being sent to us for roadside assistance. Where was the tow truck? He gets out and starts asking me how many miles are on the car and other crazy questions. If I have issues with my tire what does the miles on my car have anything to do with my problem.

Anyhoo.. Let me lay the scene. The vehicle is jacked up, the bolts are off except for the lock bolt, and the other tire is ready to put on. This roadside guy goes back to his vehicle and gets out a jack and a 4 bar. My husband and his friend were stunned. This guy did not observe any part of the situation at all. This guy spent about 2 minutes trying the same things my husband and his friend had been trying to do for 45 minutes. When he had no luck he said well there is nothing I can do except call you a tow truck! Oh this situation just isn't getting any better.

My husband's friend left in his car about the same time the roadside assistance guy was pulling away. He went to find the tools that we needed to get the lock bolt off and get this tire changed. Something we fully expected the roadside guy to do, but failed to produce.

After returning 10 minutes later my husband and him began to get the bolt lock off so we could finish changing the tire and be on our way. Suddenly a car pulls off. I was shocked; someone was stopping to assist us in getting this done. We didn't really need any more help, but it was nice right? He was talking but I approached the car since I could barely hear what he was saying. Much to my surprise he wasn't asking if he could help or if we were OK. Nope he wanted directions. Yes, I said he stopped a family stranded on the side of the street to ask if I could get directions. After explaining the right man at the point where he was going away is gone and I started to laugh. I mean, how amazing would that be.

So two hours into our ordeal has made it. 2 hours, changing a tire. Our suffering has taught us some things.

o Do not let your employees lock pneumatic drill on a car. This is something that does not hurt to ask, if you put on a tire. These are very sensitivebolts and if they are too tight you cannot get them off.
o When calling for roadside assistance be VERY specific on what you need. If you leave it up to them and they don't ask the right questions you could be like us and wasting a lot of time stranded.
o Never sit in the car during this ordeal. As unbelievable as this may sound it is actually safer to be on the side of the road away from the car in case there are any sudden accidents.
o Stay Calm, stress and anger are not going to help the situation so the calmer you are the better things will be.

Don't learn the lessons the hard way, don't be afraid to ask for help, and always work together as a team.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tradition of Christmas Celebration With Deep Significance

Christmas is the most joyous time of the year. Christians are enthusiastic about Christmas celebration. They eagerly wait for this festival and especially kids. Christians play Christmas games and sing Christmas songs to celebrate it. They arrange big parties and decorate their houses. The atmosphere during Christmas is filled with great happiness. Christians know the importance of Christmas celebration well all across the world. Even if, it is right that Christmas festival is celebrated as the day of Christ's birth into the world, still it also represent a deeply important reality of spiritual life. Christ is personification of religion. He was born at the time when superstition, hatred, greed, hypocrisy and ignorance prevailed on land. Purity was forgotten and ethics were ignored.

Seeker in that period has no thought of spiritual life and even God. He lives a life of greed, deluded attachment, jealousy, anger and lust. When the seeker wants to enter into a new religious life of purity, devotion and ambition, Christ spirit should take its birth within his heart. This is the real Christmas if divine element starts expressing itself in the man's heart. From onward, light starts to shine where darkness has no place. Christmas brought transformation in the life of many people.

Small but wonderful point of deep significance is connected with Christmas celebration. It is the time when all Christians come together and celebrate Christmas with great zeal. Christmas brings happiness to the life of Christians. The deep significance related to Christmas indicates the religious awakening comes to seeker, who is ideally humble and poor in spirit. Quality of true humanity is fundamentally crucial. Then we find out holiness, renunciation and simplicity for the pride of learning. Although, Christ was born indefinite to the world and in the darkness, the advent of Christ spirit takes place in an individual's inwardness when there is complete self-effacement.

Christmas celebration reveals that people from varied religions take part in the celebration of Christmas same as the Indian Christians do. Due to European influence on country, religion has spread around the country. So, Christmas is celebrated around the world. Several of the rituals of Christian festivals have been modified to suit the climatic conditions of land. Christmas festival is the most crucial festival of Indian Christians. In India, Christians adorn mango trees rather than conventional pine tree. They light tiny oil-burning lamps as Christmas adornments and fill churches with red flowers.

As a part of Christmas celebration, Christians also exchange gifts with their family members, relatives and friends as a token of love. People adorn Christmas trees with beautiful decorative items. Christians in South India put small clay lamps on rooftops as well as walls of their houses same as Hindus do during their festival named Diwali.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Importance of Using Rechargeable Batteries With EL Wire

Let us premise the conversation by saying Rechargeable Batteries are always nice, because they help save the environment, allow us to reuse what we already have, and reduce waste.

Anyone who has heard about or been to the Burning Man Festival, knows that there is a simple balance between the planet and personal enlightenment. Personal enlightenment can come from a number of things while in the Black Rock Desert; associating oneself around the Burning Man community, creating a gorgeous art exhibit for everyone to see, or making your costume light up like its Christmas.

The Burning Man Festival is the largest pack-in pack-out society on the planet. They believe in leaving everything how you found it. If you bring a bag of trash to the event, plan on leaving with a bag of trash, it's that simple. There are no receptacles, no currency, and thousands of people with the same belief. Helping out the environment is am much a part of Burning Man as each individual participant.

So why am I talking so much about Burning Man? Burning Man has given our society fascinating goals to live by, as well as how we can do our part in everyday life to help better ourselves and the environment. EL Wire is a great new technology that is essentially a copper wire wrapped in a colored plastic tube that lights up in a number of beautiful colors when a charge is applied. Its lifespan is similar to LED Lights, but has different and unique characteristics. EL Wire glows in a 360 degree fashion, glowing from all sides of the wire.

Electroluminescent (EL) Wire has an operating voltage that is so low, you can power a whole costume, or room of light on simple household batteries. This brings up why rechargeable batteries are recommended. Say for instance you have an EL Wire costume that takes 4 AA batteries. Over the life of that costume, you will end up using over 1,600 AA batteries. This assumes you have a lifespan of 5,000 hours, and you have to replace the batteries every 12 hours. In reality, most EL Wire will last longer than 5,000 hours, which can increase your battery usage even more.

Rechargeable batteries have become the social norm, and are so readily available they can be picked up at most grocery or electronic stores. And for about a buck a piece, you can have the same 4 batteries over the entire lifecycle of the Costume or wire. The only disadvantage is that batteries do not generally last as long as the new standard, non-rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable battery is more than one charge cycle of about 90-95% of non-rechargeable batteries, its first year, 80% of their second year of use, 70% of their third year, and so on. What does this mean? Suppose you have a battery that lasts 10 hours with disposable batteries, you can predict ecological option for about 9 to 9.5 hours continuously at least the sameuse.

If you are not certain that rechargeable batteries are highly recommend to be used with EL Wire, let me tell you where using disposable batteries come out on top... Your wallet. If you ended up buying even 500 batteries over the life of your one EL Wire project, you can expect to pay over $150 on disposable batteries, that is if you are buying Costco batteries. If you go for the name brand batteries each time, plan on that number more than doubling.

A great set of rechargeable batteries with a charger will set you back about $30-40. That cost savings may not seem like a big deal, but think about all the thousands of disposable batteries each year that are wasted, and costing all of us money, and our landfills. Consider adding a small solar charger and recharge your batteries for free with the power of the sun. These solar chargers have become so cheap and efficient, you can recharge your whole battery set in just a couple of hours with the sun's rays.

Rechargeable batteries help in a number of ways, but especially helping us reduce the number of trash bags we fill with batteries. Help the Burning Man community and the world out by using rechargeables and save some money while you are at it!